SPRINGFIELD, IL (December 30, 2019) - In the spring of 2019, CORAL committed to support Lincoln Prairie Behavioral Health Center in Springfield, Illinois (LPBH). CORAL in partnership with LPBH identified the following efforts as a way in which CORAL could assist LGBTQ+ youth in the central Illinois area: access to undergarments for transitioning adolescents, ongoing therapeutic support for patients at LPBH, and furnishing the LGBT lounge. The first step in the process of refurbishing the LGBT lounge is complete! The room has been painted. The next step is to install the flooring, wall features, and furnishing. Thank you to everyone who participated in the event today and for moving this project on to phase 2! The Illinois Times recently wrote about the collaboration between Lincoln Prairie and CORAL: https://www.illinoistimes.com/springfield/for-lgbt-teens-lincoln-prairie-cares/Content?oid=11493660
Established in 2000, the Coalition of Rainbow Alliances (CORAL) is a non-profit volunteer group that facilitates networking for the Central Illinois lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities, all other sexual and gender minorities, their family and friends, and the organizations that support them.