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Out of the Darkness Walk Sees Good Turnout

Springfield, IL (October 15, 2022) The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) hosted their annual Out of the Darkness Walk at the UIS campus today to a record attendance for Springfield. The AFSP holds these walks all over the nation to help those battling thoughts of suicide and provide support for those who have lost them. In a slight change from last year’s event, the organizers passed out different colored beads to signify those members of each participant’s family and friends they have lost to suicide so they could feel like they might be with them as they walked.

The walk was two miles long and meandered through the UIS campus for an amazing review of how Fall beautifies the quad and different areas. This is CORAL’s second year of participating and we outdid our last showing by raising close to $600.00 and finishing 7th as a team out of 219 other teams present. We also had the pleasure of adding four new members to our team and hope we continue to grow for next year’s event.

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