Springfield, IL (October 1, 2022) In honor of National Day of Action to End Violence and Genocide of Trans Gender People, Resistor Sisterhood held a rally at the Illinois State Capitol Building steps from 10:00 a.m. to noon to provide speakers and attendees to give their stories of incidents of this nature as well as provide support and encouragement to keep up the fight to prevent it in the future.
Resistor Sisterhood is an organization created in 2017 to positively and proactively support social justice and equal rights for all. They are especially passionate about women’s rights, reproductive rights, criminal justice, and dismantling racism.
While the crowd may have been somewhat small, the spirit was high. The stories told by some of the trans individuals were particularly moving. One trans-woman told her story of going through shock treatment by her church in an attempt to ignore her identity. While speaking to the crowd, a woman driving by yelled that they didn’t deserve any rights; only proving that there is still work to be done.