Lincoln, IL (June 8, 2024) With double the number of vendor booths and attendees to match, Logan County Pridefest saw a much better turnout for their second event in downtown Lincoln this year. Last year was their first for moving the event from the Logan County Fairgrounds where they had their first two years of tenure so there has been some adjustments to being “out” in the open. However, the doors seemed to open for more.
In the past years of the event, the starting time had been earlier but the decision to move it to 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. seemed to work better. Not only did it make for a cooler day for all but more people showed out later in the day. With two full blocks of vendors, they had much more to view and enjoy.
As a proud sponsor of the entertainment for the day, CORAL was happy to play a part for the third year. Not only were Pride flags given to many but several also requested information on CORAL and the activities offered by the organization.
CORAL wishes to commend Logan County Pride for all the work and effort that went into making the event a huge success for Lincoln and hope to continue to be a part of their future.